Sunday, June 14

Middle East Politics Republicans Should Envy

The recent diplomatic outreaches of the Obama administration in the Middle East should be a wake up call to Republicans and others that view that part of the world as one big wrestling ring. If fighting is the long hard way to "liberation" in Arab countries then perhaps its time to try something different. Let's try a more civilized approach to spreading democracy. It seems only natural that a country that considers itself "first world" to try to be civil in its interactions with other nations.

North Korea Doubles Down, Makes Political Statement with Nukes

Kim Jong-Il again has asked for a response from the West. The question. "You think you can mess with this?"
Is it best to just ignore him? Or should we be taking a stronger stance against the nuclear stockpiling going on in Pyongyang? North Korea is looking for a response of some sort. They want something from us. Possibly, they want to be left alone or they want respect from the west so that they can make an attack on South Korea in order to enlarge the communist geography.

Wednesday, June 10

Politics: Republicans Ask for GM Deadline, Democrats Still Waiting for word on Iraq

Republican lawmakers have asked when will taxpayer money stop flowing into the auto industry and when will the fed retract its control over GM. These are questions that should be asked. How is the federal government going to relinquish control and get reimbursed from a new GM and Chrysler?
Funny how this sounds like the same questions Democrats have asked Republicans for the last several years. When are we going to pull out of Iraq? What is our plan for making Iraq self-sufficient?
The answer to both questions: Not soon. It won't be easy. And it will definitely be messy!

Tuesday, June 9

Financial Speculators Wait for Oil's Big Doozy

Predictably, the price of oil per barrel has doubled this spring to $70 as we swing into summer. Like last year many are wondering what effect futures speculators are having on the price. My opinion is that we won't reach last summer's highs but we will see oil go higher, maybe $90/barrel? This time there may be a more gradual decline with prices not reaching last winter's lows again as inflation kicks in this fall. Then again, with everyone expecting oil to continue upwards we could see a stall early on in the season with a quick pullback to $35/barrel.

Sunday, June 7

Oh, Nancy! Leave This Kind of Politics to Republicans

Nancy Pelosi is in over her head. She's putting her foot in her mouth, possibly in a bid to outdo republicans at their own game. Nancy, leave it to the far-right to make fools of themselves. Your better than that. Whatever you do don't try to cover up your last mistake by drawing attention elsewhere. That's a little trick left for the media that calls itself news.
Honestly though, Ms. Pelosi is in too good of a position for the next 2 or 4 years, she would do good by keeping her head down and working the edge she has in the House.

Financial Analysts Declare: Boom! Presto! Market Recover!!!

When will this bear market rally reverse? See my article on Plus, check out this article about market bargains. The rally will reverse as soon as the pundits give up on the idea that this is an unsustainable rally that will soon fall back to test March lows.

Saturday, June 6

Political Statements from those not in Politics

The slippery slope of opinion continues its grip on news reporting. I'm not the only one who recognizes that more and more of the media has switched its angle of reporting to opinion based articles. Fox news started the trend and now they are a complete joke in every sense of the word. I truly hope that the recent changes to CNN and MSNBC do not follow the same path. The reports on these stations increasingly relay the political ideas and statements of there favored political ideology to the public. Since when was the news supposed to favor a side. Lets get back to impartial reporting and let the viewers create there own opinions.

Thursday, June 4

When Will Dick Cheney Die (Or at Least Hybernate)?

It seems like every time I turn around Dick Cheney is being interviewed. It doesn't surprise me too much that he hid away for the majority of the post 9/11 Bushtocracy. What really surprises me is the fact that he hasn't had a heart attack or stroke doing all these interviews. His body is just not use to this kind of public exposure. What if he falls into Wolf Blitzer's lap and begins to seize? Not a pretty site. Advice to the Dickman. Stay hydrated. Those newsroom lights are HOT!

Tuesday, June 2

Politics 101: Will GM Be Obama's New Go-To Contractor

With most of GM being owned by the US Government will the military get new Hummers? To best ensure the future health of GM I can imagine that the government will be ordering up a new fleet of vehicles, from Army recruit Impalas to bullet-proof Escalades for the President and Company. Maybe I'm wrong, but when most people own stock in a company they have a tendency to support that company in any way they can. Is more government spending on its way, or are Obama's Political Statements going to hold true?

Monday, June 1

Dissenters Quiet to a Hush as Market Rebounds for Obama

Political statements from February have a distinctly different tone than today. As Obamanomic dissenters blamed the market implosion up until March 9th they have since been quieted. Today was the high mark for the Dow Jones since Obama took office. I wonder what happened to all the naysayers.
While I'm not the only one who thinks this rally will eventually turn course, I hope I'm not the only one who can hear the quiet panting of the right wing wolves lurking in the markets shadow ready to pounce again on the economic policies of the current administration.

Dow Jumps Higher Due to ACME Patented Spring in Shoes

The Dow jumped over 200 points monday on signs of the economy recovering, for whoever thinks that is going to happen tomorrow.  But if we really look at that jump, approximately 50 points of it contain the news that Citi and GM are being replaced by Cisco and Travelers.  Really, there is little surprise that the market is moving on a monday.  It seems to be the thing to do for the past several weeks.  So let me guess.  Up today, back down a little tomorrow, some more the next day, level on thursday and a big move at the close friday.  Any bets on next Monday?

Sunday, May 31

Sotomayor! Why I Oughta.....

Proof that there is a parallel universe and that we are sometimes exposed to it. Newt Gingrich calls Supreme Court nominee a racist because she's a minority. Like your mother always told you: if you don't have a substantive argument about someone's ideology, make a blatantly shallow stab at something in there past that out of context may resemble an inconsistency in said ideology. I'd like to actually believe that Mr. Gingrich has a plausible argument against Ms. Sotomayor and her self-bias in judicial matters, but looking beyond the headlines and snippets we come to the realization that things are quite the opposite.

A New Blog For Political/Financial Venting

I've started this page in hopes of  entertaining like minded folks about my take on current political and financial news.  Plenty of Rush Limbaugh, Bill O'Reilly, Keith Olbermann, Nancy Pelosi, etc. commentary.  I hope to post frequently.  If you like what I write, please subscribe to my blog.  If you hate what I write then you should definitely subscribe!